Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Perry Optimistic on Fed Immigration Enforcement

It has been reported that Rick Perry, Governor of Texas is praising the results of his immigration enforcement talks with Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. That's after a steady drumbeat of criticism from Perry about the federal approach toward those enforcement needs and fears that Mexico's drug-related violence might spill into the United States. Perry says that Napolitano, as a former border governor, "gets it." He says, "The border can be secured. It takes boots on the ground. It requires technology."
Perry has appealed to the federal government for unmanned drone aircraft and National Guard troops to patrol the border. I know that Governor Perry has consistently criticized the federal government for what he calls its failure to enforce immigration laws and prevent rampant drug-related violence in Mexico from spilling over to border states. But he struck a more conciliatory tone today, saying he had "a real good feeling" after a meeting with Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.
I guess that in the mean time we are to set back on our morals and let the Illegal aliens have a wonderful Cinco de Mayo day at our expense. I am glad to hear that she "gets it" but how long before she does something about it. It kind of like waiting for the Astros to do something but all they offer is lip service.


Friday, April 2, 2010

Obamacare and Texas

In regards to Obamacare, one solution that opponents of universal health care suggest is malpractice lawsuit reforms. However, State of Texas lawmakers have passed dramatic malpractice lawsuit reforms legislation, and yet there are a larger percentage of uninsured people in Texas than in any other state. Malpractice lawsuit reforms where passed with the reasoning that it would increase the number of doctors in Texas, and therefore increase access to health care. However, 114 of the 254 counties are designated primary-care shortage areas, and twenty-seven counties in Texas have no doctors at all.

The health care crisis affects a broad spectrum of Americans, but creating a public option is not the most significant way to bring down the cost of health care and to provide universal access to health care. A public option would simply be another way of providing health insurance yes; however, it would compete with the other insurance companies driving them out of business. By providing people this option it will not lower the high cost of the uninsured raise the cost of health care for everyone.

Perhaps the most compelling argument for universal health care is an ethical and moral argument. The ethical thing to do is to provide assistance to those among us that need assistance only---expand Medicaid.

I believe this debate is about the idea that we all have a fundamental right to health care and that for too long many of us have been denied this because its not a right to simply put it.

What Obamacare Means for Texas: Taxpayers on the Hook for $24.3 Billion

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Fight to Remember!

Here is something everyone should know about regarding their healthcare and financial health as well. It is far from being over; Republican opponents vowed that the battle over healthcare “reform” is really just getting started after the measure won narrow House approval on March 21. States, non-profit groups, citizens and federal lawmakers are all preparing to fight back against the legislation, pursuing various strategies including nullification through state laws, repealing the bill in Congress and challenging its constitutionality in court.

Our government will have to hire thousands of new Internal Revenue Service agents because they have to take more of our money. It has been said that about “16,500 new IRS personnel” will be needed to collect, examine and audit new tax information mandated on families and small businesses in the ‘reconciliation’ bill.

The Lone Star State intends to sue joining ten others. "The federal health care legislation passed tonight violates the United States Constitution and unconstitutionally infringes upon Texans' individual liberties,” announced Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott in a statement. “To protect all Texans' constitutional rights, preserve the constitutional framework intended by our nation's founders, and defend our state from further infringement by the federal government, the State of Texas and other states will legally challenge the federal health care legislation.”

Other states from Alabama to Washington are expected to join the litigation too, and Idaho’s Attorney General is now required by law to do so.

In Congress, Republican legislators have not given up the fight either. Representative Pete Sessions of Texas, chair of the National Republican Congressional Committee, said that repealing the “reform” legislation would be a top priority for the 2010 elections, and that it will help attract support for Republican congressional candidates.

Roll up your sleeves folks and warm up for November elections!


Monday, March 8, 2010

Perry Wins Primary, Looks to Take on Washington D.C. instead of White

I watched incumbent Governor Rick Perry give his primary election victory speech and to my surprise he didn’t even mention his opponent, former Houston Mayor Bill White. I mentioned this to several colleagues and guess what, Rick Perry isn't running against Bill White! He's running against the Obama administration and Washington, D.C. "It is clear that the Obama administration and its allies have Texas in its crosshairs," he told a crowd of supporters that returned shouts of, "Bring it on!" Mr. Perry addressed his supporters in Driftwood as if he was speaking atop a mile high mountain where the last debris of socialism and liberalism, which is odd considering he had just defeated a U.S. Senator with one of the most conservative voting records and a Republican county chairwoman who offered voters an even more conservative alternative to Rick Perry. I must say its great political football, but Perry also risks alienating supporters of Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and Debra Medina. Hutchison says she will line up and support Governor Perry. She called for unity in the Texas Republican Party during her concession speech. But will her supporters follow him? Perry's continued rant and rave against President Obama and Washington D.C. politics certainly reads like a page out of Medina’s handbook, but he has yet to invite them to join his cause outside of a general call for support from Tea Party. While Senator Hutchison ran a horrible campaign, her supporters felt Austin needed to head in a new direction. That's a possible opening for Bill White. But we don't need to guess how White will attack Perry. He laid that out in his primary victory speech in Houston, didn’t he.

Rick Perry wins big; 2012 run?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Political Error

On February 18, 2010 there was a press conference conducted by Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo about the small plane crash into a northwest Austin building.“I can tell you, categorically, that there is no cause for concern from a law enforcement OR a terrorism perspective. Uh, this incident is contained. It's under control. The one point I need to point out is that this is an isolated incident here, that there is no cause for alarm, and that people should continue their lives as they would any other day of the week”, said Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo. Mr. Acevedo should have been asked and responded this question: “we were told after 9/11 that we had to take time to understand why there was so much rage against us from the militant Islamists. And even now, our own president has said that we must have policies that show the Muslim world that we mean them no ill will. We're willing to try their terrorists, the masterminds of 9/11 in our own civil courts, to show that we mean no ill will. Will there be a similar request on the part of government officials to make sure we show no ill intent toward this pilot and maybe find out what it is that had him so ticked off?" I mean, if we're going to spend now, what, 10 years, 12 years trying to figure out what happened at 9/11, why they hated us so much, should we not spend some time to figure out why this guy hated Bush, hated his wife, hated the IRS, hated his accountant, and hated the Catholic church? The man hated the Catholic Church, hatred President George Bush, hated the IRS, hated his accountant, and hated his wife. Now, should we endeavor to understand why? That question should have been raised. An unidentified reporter did say, "Chief, how do you know it's an isolated incident?"Mr. Acevedo responded, “You know, what? You have to take me at my word now, don't you? That's all I'm going to tell you. The second piece that I think is really important is we're starting to get news reports that -- that this aircraft was stolen. There is a lot of speculation. I can tell you right now that your reports are inaccurate and it is irresponsible journalism to put out information that is not confirmed from law enforcement. Please do not put out speculation. Uh, because this aircraft, I can tell you right now, it was not a stolen aircraft.”Now who would have thought that the media made an error? This can't possibly be. So, an unidentified reporter then says, "Look, we've been seeing on blogs and all that the connection between a house fire in north Austin and a man who put out a suicide note regarding the IRS, his CPA, the Catholic Church, George W. Bush, and his wife."Mr. Acevedo continues, “Terms of the investigation, the investigation is fluid. It is ongoing.”

How could he leave a number of suicides notes on a website, ram into the first floor of a building that houses the IRS, leave a full-fledged manifesto on a website in which he punks President Bush, his accountant, the Catholic Church, his wife, and the IRS? Now, if we wanted to play Senator Rangel's game: "How in the world would this possibly happen? Are we not prepared for terrorism?" They did put a couple F-16s in the air there after the fact. NORAD launched them. But that's what these guys do. Everything is political to them. In all of this, it never even occurred to me to stick this to President Obama. I mean, even after I learned this guy hated President Bush. I could have been sitting here saying, "Hey, it's a Democrat that did this. A Democrat that crashed into that building…" I wasn't going to say that.


Pilot Crashes Into Texas Building in Apparent Anti-IRS Suicide