Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Fight to Remember!

Here is something everyone should know about regarding their healthcare and financial health as well. It is far from being over; Republican opponents vowed that the battle over healthcare “reform” is really just getting started after the measure won narrow House approval on March 21. States, non-profit groups, citizens and federal lawmakers are all preparing to fight back against the legislation, pursuing various strategies including nullification through state laws, repealing the bill in Congress and challenging its constitutionality in court.

Our government will have to hire thousands of new Internal Revenue Service agents because they have to take more of our money. It has been said that about “16,500 new IRS personnel” will be needed to collect, examine and audit new tax information mandated on families and small businesses in the ‘reconciliation’ bill.

The Lone Star State intends to sue joining ten others. "The federal health care legislation passed tonight violates the United States Constitution and unconstitutionally infringes upon Texans' individual liberties,” announced Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott in a statement. “To protect all Texans' constitutional rights, preserve the constitutional framework intended by our nation's founders, and defend our state from further infringement by the federal government, the State of Texas and other states will legally challenge the federal health care legislation.”

Other states from Alabama to Washington are expected to join the litigation too, and Idaho’s Attorney General is now required by law to do so.

In Congress, Republican legislators have not given up the fight either. Representative Pete Sessions of Texas, chair of the National Republican Congressional Committee, said that repealing the “reform” legislation would be a top priority for the 2010 elections, and that it will help attract support for Republican congressional candidates.

Roll up your sleeves folks and warm up for November elections!


Monday, March 8, 2010

Perry Wins Primary, Looks to Take on Washington D.C. instead of White

I watched incumbent Governor Rick Perry give his primary election victory speech and to my surprise he didn’t even mention his opponent, former Houston Mayor Bill White. I mentioned this to several colleagues and guess what, Rick Perry isn't running against Bill White! He's running against the Obama administration and Washington, D.C. "It is clear that the Obama administration and its allies have Texas in its crosshairs," he told a crowd of supporters that returned shouts of, "Bring it on!" Mr. Perry addressed his supporters in Driftwood as if he was speaking atop a mile high mountain where the last debris of socialism and liberalism, which is odd considering he had just defeated a U.S. Senator with one of the most conservative voting records and a Republican county chairwoman who offered voters an even more conservative alternative to Rick Perry. I must say its great political football, but Perry also risks alienating supporters of Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and Debra Medina. Hutchison says she will line up and support Governor Perry. She called for unity in the Texas Republican Party during her concession speech. But will her supporters follow him? Perry's continued rant and rave against President Obama and Washington D.C. politics certainly reads like a page out of Medina’s handbook, but he has yet to invite them to join his cause outside of a general call for support from Tea Party. While Senator Hutchison ran a horrible campaign, her supporters felt Austin needed to head in a new direction. That's a possible opening for Bill White. But we don't need to guess how White will attack Perry. He laid that out in his primary victory speech in Houston, didn’t he.

Rick Perry wins big; 2012 run?